
Showing posts from November, 2009

Parade Slide


School Halloween Parades

Both the kids had parades at their school. Brichette's was before Xander went to school, and than Xander's was about half-way through his school day. Brichette was so cute! They walked through the gym and lunchroom where all of us parents were waiting. Then they went through each class room. Melissa got some pretty cute pictures of Brichette. It was hard to get her as she was walking through the gym, because they were walking to fast. Xander went to some of the High School class rooms and got treats and toys. It was easier to get his picture since we could walk with him. Hope you enjoy the slide.

Halloween Party Slide


Vampire Princesses, Ninja's, And Silly Goblins Have A Party!

Melissa's parent's had their annual Christmas Party. It was lots of fun. We made little mummies for the pot luck dinner (little smokies wrapped in dough and cooked) and were gone in about five minutes. If we would have known how much everyone liked those we would have made more. It was fun to see everyone and see what they were dressed up as.

Canyon Dinner Slide


This Is Pretty Fun!

A little while ago we decided to take the kids up the canyon to have a picnic for dinner and look at the different colors on the trees. Once we got everything together and got up there is was dark. We found a picnic area, and parked, but wasn't sure how far away it was from the parking, so we just sat in the car and ate. After we were done eating, we turned the light out in the car so we could looked at the stars, and the kids decided it would be fun to play in the dark car. They did some silly things and asked Melissa to take pictures so they could see what they looked like. We were laughing so hard. Then they pretended to be asleep on Nick, and had fun trying to move around each other in the car. It was a really fun night, and we can't wait to do it again.

It's Finally Time!

After Xander waited so patiently it was finally time for him to go to pre-school. When Melissa woke him up the morning of, he couldn't wait to get dressed, eat breakfast, and get there. Of course they had to wait until it was time, which drove Xander crazy. But when Melissa could finally drop him off, she walked him in, helped him hang his coat and back pack up, and without even blinking he said "Bye Mom" and sat at his spot. It was almost like he was trying to get rid of her. :) It's so great that he loves it that much. He had a great first day, and is still having great days!

Almost Time...

Towards the end of September Xander's pre-school had their open house/meet the teachers night. Because he is going to the pre-school at the High School they start later to give the high school students time to prepare and learn before they are teaching the children. They do have a pre-school director, who is wonderful and is one of Brichette's friend's mom (that's how we heard about it). Going there got Xander even more excited about going to school, and asked everyday if today he could go. He would be so disappointed when it wasn't. But when the first day finally came he couldn't get his new school clothes and shoes on fast enough, and the time to start didn't come soon enough for him. We are so glad that he loves school. It will make life easier for all of us with him loving it so much. The pictures are of him and Nick making a pencil holder out of Legos. It's really cool.

Field Trip Slide


We Get To Ride On A Bus?!?!

For one of Brichette's field trips we went to Red Butte Gardens up by the University of Utah. Brichette was so excited that Melissa was able to go with, but we think she was even more excited about being able to ride on a school bus. It was a little chilly, but a nice day to go. We split up in groups and had a guided tour around the gardens. It was really fun to learn some new facts about flowers, herbs, etc. and be outside. Afterwards we went back to the school and then walked over to a nearby park and had lunch. Melissa left after Brichette was done eating, but the classes stayed there for awhile and played. It's so nice that Melissa is home and able to do those things with the kids. She really enjoys it.

State Fair Slide


State Fair

We took the kids to the State Fair in September. It took us a long time to find a place to park, and once we did find a spot it was a ways away. But it's worth it, because we had lots of fun. Once we got inside Nick told the kids that they had $20.00 they could spend on souvenirs, and were so excited to be able to pay for their own things. We wandered around and they spent their money. Then they went on a ride, and Nick was going to take them on the big slide, but the wait was like hours. So we decided not to and headed over to the kid rides. As we were walking over to the kid rides we saw a shark exhibit. It was pretty cool, other than they looked cramped in the tank and didn't move much. Once we got over to the kid rides, they had a mini slide and the wait was nothing. So they went on that one. Xander was to little to go by himself, so him and Brichette came down together. They rode one more and then we got a treat and left.

Rain Slide


We're Playing In The Rain... Just Playing In The Rain!

A little bit ago it rained really hard here, and the kids were so excited about it that they had to go out and play in it. They were running in it, pretending to melt, and laughing lots. If Melissa wouldn't have had the camera she might have joined them. It's so much fun to play in the rain. Once they were done they came inside, took their wet clothes off, and snuggled in blankets until their clothes had dried.