
Showing posts from 2010


Because we will be in Disneyland this month, we thought it would only be appropriate to do a Disney themed Halloween Layout. :)

Zain is 10 Months!

Zain is 10 months old. He is doing so much and is in to everything. *He can climb the stairs, walks with the furniture, and holding your hands. He is almost walking without holding on. *He says Da da, Ma ma, Ta-Da, I love you, Hi, No, Na, Boo. *He still loves to play peek-a-boo. *Has his own way of crawling because he doesn't want his knees to touch the ground *Can turn on his mobile. *Loves music, talking, and playing with his big sister and big brother. *Climbs the ladder on Xander's bunk beds. *Sure misses Nick when he leaves for work. *Is attached to Melissa *Loves animals *Pulls out the DVD's at Melissa's parent's house. And so much more. Here are a few pictures of him:

Yep, Kindergarten!

Xander is in Kindergarten now. See... time really does fly by. Thanks Xander for being a wonderful little and big brother. For being so smart, loving, caring, and sensitive. You are turning into a wonderful young man, just like your daddy! We love you buddy!

2nd Grade Already???

WOW! Time sure does fly. Brichette is already in second grade. She is growing up so fast. She sure is turning into a beautiful young lady. We are so proud of you Brichette. You are a wonderful big sister and a wonderful daughter. You are so smart, caring, loving, and sensitive. Thank you for being so great. We love you!

Great Deal!

So we bought these hampers at Target for $5.99. They are about waist high, and are strong thick plastic... very durable, and in such fun colors. We were looking at some other stuff at Target, and saw white hampers and thought they were pretty nice, but not as nice as these. Then we saw how much they were, $8.99, and wondered why anyone would by those instead of these. How dumb! :)

Meet The Bees Slide


Meeting the Bees!

Brichette and Xander are on T-ball/baseball teams. They have so much fun, and enjoy it. Their teams are the Jr. Bees/Knothole Club. So they get some really cool stuff, and free tickets to the Bees. Also, they got to meet some players from the Bees, and get some training from them. When we went, they split the kids up in age groups so they got separated. Nick and Zain went with Xander and Melissa was with Brichette. So Melissa tried to get pictures of Xander but it was hard when they took us into their locker room, and Xander was still outside. They can't wait to do it again next year!

Going For Rides

Brichette got this car for her first birthday from Mary K, Trent, and their kids Alyssa, Brendan, and Valerie. She loved it, then Xander and now Zain. He has so much fun getting pushed on it, and zooming around the house. Xander riding with him: Having fun, and so happy.

Loving A Baby!

Here are some really cute pictures of Zain loving one of Brichette's baby dolls. He was so cute about it. He wouldn't stop giving them kisses and loving them. He is such a loving baby, just like his big sister and brother! This one was just so cute that we had to share (the baby is on the floor). He will smile if you have the camera out and say "Cheese". So cute!

Swing Slide


Watching, and Swinging.

The kids were going from the pool to the swings, back to the pool then swinging again. They were having so much fun! So here is a slide of them on the swings. Zain really wanted to get into the water too. Melissa was afraid of him going under, so she just put his feet in.

Swimming Pool Slide


Backyard Swimming Fun

This is a slide of the kids playing in the pool in the backyard. They love the water, and were out in the pool almost everyday this summer. They must have some Mermaid/Merman in them. They are not afraid of the water, which is kind of a bad thing because they haven't has swimming lessons yet. But they can go under water, not plug their nose, and dive/jump in. They also do stunts... Like they were doing cartwheels, sliding, and jumping in.

You Will Be Missed So Much! We Love You!

August 19, 2010. The rain was coming down really hard. Our friend Buffy and two of her kids Kya and Braylon were on their way to a family reunion. When suddenly a truck with a trailer travling in the opposite direction lost control and slammed into the side of their Toyota 4-Runner, right behind the driver seat where Kya was sitting. Flipped their SUV and rolled it down the hill several times finally landing upside down. Buffy was rushed to the Provo hospital, Braylon was life flighted to primary children's, and sadly Kya was killed at the scene. Anthony was at work and their youngest child Dyson was with his Grandma. Braylon has come home, and Buffy will soon. We love you all so much! It's so sad when anyone is taken from us early, but especially a 6 year old child. Because of what we've learned in Church, we know that we can see her again and that she is with our Heavenly Father watching us. You will be missed so much Kya. KYA PARKER Visit Guest Book Kya De`Sha Parker 2

So Stinking Irritating!!!

We tried to purchase a pair of sunglasses from Sun Glass Hut in Fashion Place Mall. He ran the card and brought it back to us, then proceeded to help 2 other customers while the card was running, not paying any attention to it. After a couple minutes he came back and asked for the card again because there was a problem with their machine and needed to run it again. So he ran it again, but then had to call. After 10 or so minutes said that the card was denied (probably because he tried charging us 3 times). We told him that we thought he charged us for them. He said that he would talk to his manager and if they had we could call and talk to her to get it fixed. So we left and checked the account when we got home. The money was sitting in pending. We called the Credit Union to find out what we needed to do, and they said that someone from Sun Glass Hut would need to fax over a letter stating that we hadn't received the purchase and that their machine was having problems. We called Su

I Think He Likes It!

Nick was eating a sucker and when Zain saw that he was eating something he did everything he could to get his attention and get over to him. When he finally got to him, he stole his sucker and thought that was the best treat. He didn't want to give it up, but we didn't want him to have a sugar rush.

You Two Are So Silly!

While we were at the Independence Parade to watch Brichette and Xander, this guy was selling these umbrella hats. They boys got them, and the girls got ribbon princess crowns. Well the other day when we were at Melissa's parent's house the kids came out from the laundry room and had them on, along with corn starch on their noses. LOL! We all laughed so hard. It's so funny the things kids do. Oh... and the things on their forehead are Air Bender tattoos that they got from McDonald's.

School Shopping

The Children's Place is having a sale on their clearance items, and a sale throughout the store. So we decided to go look and see what kind of great deals we could get. We got two pairs of shoes for $22.00, 4 shirts for $2.99 each, 6 more shirts for $5.00, 2 pairs of pants for Xander for $10.00 each, and 2 pairs of pants for Brichette for $12.00 each. *Our grand total was $115.36. *If we wouldn't have gotten them on sale and clearance we would have spent $191.27. *So we saved: $75.91 So awesome! We love getting great deals! Happy Shopping!

Independance Day Parade

With the kids' dance they were in a 4th of July parade. They were so cute and did so good. Xander got to ride in the tailer and Brichette walked/danced. It was their last dance "performance" of the season. They are so excited and ready to start dancing again.

Best Firworks Ever!

We went to Granite to watch their fireworks. They have the best ones. Melissa's camera died, so she only got a couple of pictures of the kids playing with their glow bracelet's , and wasn't able to get any of the fireworks.