Zain is 10 Months!

Zain is 10 months old. He is doing so much and is in to everything.

*He can climb the stairs, walks with the furniture, and holding your hands. He is almost walking without holding on.
*He says Da da, Ma ma, Ta-Da, I love you, Hi, No, Na, Boo.
*He still loves to play peek-a-boo.
*Has his own way of crawling because he doesn't want his knees to touch the ground
*Can turn on his mobile.
*Loves music, talking, and playing with his big sister and big brother.
*Climbs the ladder on Xander's bunk beds.
*Sure misses Nick when he leaves for work.
*Is attached to Melissa
*Loves animals
*Pulls out the DVD's at Melissa's parent's house.
And so much more.
Here are a few pictures of him:


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