Health Benefits - Hollyhocks

Benefits of Hollyhock Flowers

These are the colors of our Hollyhocks this year!

Aren’t they just beautiful? 

I’m hoping that the black ones I got will come up next year.

Here are some facts about hollyhocks:

🌸 They are biennial flowers. So the first year they root and get lots of foliage. The second year they flower, then seed and die.

🌸They can reach 9 feet tall.

🌸There are 60 species of them.

🌸They like rich, moist, well drained soil.

🌸They are native to Asia and Europe

🌸There are 43 different colors.

🌸They are completely edible (flowers, roots, leaves, seeds)

🌸They are directly related to Marshmallow and can be used interchangeably for that herb.

🌸The flowers can be used to sooth dry skin.

🌸The leaves can be used like spinach.

✖️Please Note✖️

I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be. I am posting this for information purposes. I just have been researching flowers and their benefits because I feel Heavenly Father has put everything on the earth for a reason - to help and benefit His children. Please make sure to consult a doctor before proceeding with any form of health treatment from flowers.

Happy Friday!


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