What A Great Way To Put It!

On my way to drop Brichette off at school today the car in front of me had some bumper stickers about Jesus Christ. At the red light I took the opportunity to read them. I can't really remember all of them, because there was on in particular that stood out to me. It said "Jesus died for you, so that he wouldn't have to be without you!" How cool is that? I love it.

I was thinking about those bumper stickers on her car which reminded me of a joke.

There is this lady in a mini van just driving down the road, when a car pulls out of a parking lot cutting her off. She starts yelling and screaming at him... swearing up a storm, honking the horn, and flipping him off. Then she hears a police siren, looks in her rear view mirror and see the flashing lights. So she pulls over. He asks her to Please step out of the car. He has her put her hands above her head and slowly walk backwards to his car. He handcuffs her, and takes her to jail. All the while she is wondering what she did... that guy cut her off. After about an hour sitting in jail, the officer finally comes back and opens the door. He apologizes, and tells the lady "I'm sorry, I saw how you were yelling at that guy, and then I saw your Choose The Right and Forgiveness Bumper stickers and assumed you had stolen the car!"

Moral of the story: Everyone is watching, so please be courteous and kind. We all make mistakes.


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