It Was So Good To See You!!!

Our friends Troy, Marchezt, and their kids came down, but Troy had to go back before we could visit. But the kids and Melissa got to visit with Marchezt, Kaedance, and Landon. We met them at Thanksgiving Point and went to the Farm Country they have there. It was so much fun to see them, visit with them, and have the kids out doing something instead of being stuck in the house or back yard. It is a really neat place, they have lots of animals to see, you can ride on the ponies or take a wagon ride, and a little store like place that you can learn about how vegetables and fruits grow and what they look like from a seed to the food.

We were over looking at the pigs, and a couple of them would go roll around in the mud then come running as fast as they could to the fence at the kids. The kids were laughing so hard, and we think the pigs enjoyed them laughing, because they kept doing it.

Afterwards we went and had lunch. It was so much fun and wish they lived closer so we could do more stuff with them! Love You and Miss You Four!!!


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