Today is National Popcorn Day (along with National Tin Can Day and Get to Know Your Customer’s Day). We love popcorn! 🍿 We eat it all the time. We like to make our own, but also like the white cheddar Smatfood popcorn, kettle corn, caramel popcorn, from the movie theater, and even some gas stations. Today I made caramel popcorn. I got the recipe from Nick’s mom. You can find the recipe Here Xander got this popcorn maker as a white elephant gift. This is the white cheddar popcorn we like. Did you know… Popcorn is over 5,000 years old. World War II’s sugar shortage led to Americans to eat 3x more popcorn. It’s gluten free Nebraska produces more popcorn than any other state. Unpopped kernels are called Old Maids Americans eat 17 Billion quarts every year. It’s the state snack of Illinois. What are your favorite flavors of popcorn?
The kids and I might be up the first week of April. I'll keep you posted.
Love you 5!