
In April we went out to help paint Maren and Eric's new house.  When we were done, picked up the kids from Page and Chevonne's, and got home Melissa was broken out in hives.  We called Colleen, and she told her to wash our clothes, take a shower and some benadryl, and it should be gone by morning.  Next morning the hives were gone, but Melissa was feeling really tried, which is understandable from taking the benadryl.  Well by Thursday of the following week Melissa wasn't feeling any better.  She was so tired, and drained and couldn't feel up to doing much.  So she went into instacare and found out that she is pregnant.  Yep, SURPRISE!

We were really worried because of what happened after Zain was born.  She called her doctor right away, and found out they no longer take our insurance.  So they referred her to another doctor that does.  Which we are okay with, but would much rather go back to her original doctor.  Anyway, he prescribed Heparin (blood thinning medicine), which has to be injected into her stomach twice a day.  She has been really sick, tired, and worn out this time.  She had a really hard time eating and lost about 10 lbs.  But she is feeling a lot better and is now starting to gain weight.

We had the ultra sound on July 19th and found out that the baby is a GIRL!  We are so excited to have her.  She was 9 oz. and looks healthy.  Melissa was really worried about taking the benadryl before we found out, but our sweet little girl seems to be okay.  After they were done with the ultra sound the doctor wanted to speak with us.  The doctor came in and asked about the problems Melissa had after Zain.  We told her everything that happened, and she was really worried about Melissa and wants us to see her now too.  So Melissa will be seeing 2 doctors.

Here are her first pictures...


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