12 Days of Christmas

Growing up my mom, Maren, and I would give the 12 Days of Christmas to people. It was so much fun! The thrill of ringing the door bell and running. The excitement in their voices when we would hear them talking about what they had received. Them never knowing (at least that we knew of) who had brightened their days. It was just a great feeling!

Well this year our family is receiving the 12 Days of Christmas. It's only been two days so far and we are having so much fun... The excitement the kids have to open the door and bring the bag in the house, to watch their eyes light up as they open the bag and see what's inside, and their happiness as we sing the song!

Here is day #1:

On the first day of Christmas someone gave to us:
Books and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!


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