Halloween 2021 - Saturday

 On Saturday Lydia performed a dance at a retirement home. At the same time Zain had a basketball game. So I went with Lydia and Nick took Tyler and went with Zain. Brichette and Xander had to work.

Here is some photos from Lydia’s performance.

We all got home and needed to run to the store. Afterwards we got drinks from the gas station and came home. We got started on dinner. I made ranch bacon pasta salad, cupcakes, and mummy dogs. I was going to make cookies, but I didn’t have time.

Lydia and Tyler were photo bombing my pictures… 🤣

Lydia didn’t take off her costume from her performance, and decided she wanted to wear it for trick-or-treating. So we added some makeup.

Brichette and Xander’s costumes:

Brichette wanted to stay home and watch scary movies and Xander went with friends to some parties.

After dinner we went to Nick’s parents and went trick-or-treating.

We went on Saturday so we could stay up after trick-or-treating and watch movies. Also, then we could keep the sabbath day holy! We do our best to keep it holy… we don’t go to the store, movies, etc. We spend time with family.


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