Last Days of Summer

 With everything we needed to do, but, and get done for Brichette and Sam's wedding we didn't do much of anything else this summer.

One thing we did was get dinner at Arctic Circle.  We got them kid's meals because they came with a dino soaker.  I thought a took a picture of them, but I did save the ad with a picture of them.  Haha... It will be at the bottom.  Anyway... in the meal there was also a free voucher for Dinosaur Island at Thanksgiving Point - Lehi, Utah in the Ashton Gardens area.

There is a wonderful area that they are growing food! It’s wonderful!

The kids had a lot of fun and it was so fun to get out of the house and play.  I was expecting to see more dinosaurs, but I know they are expensive. Also... We never did find the Utah Raptor that escaped.  If you happen to see it, please tell me where you found it.

We also got some ice cream from the snack bar.

Here are all the pictures I took.  If you get a chance, you should go.  It will only be here until the end of August.


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