We're Going Camping!!!

So over Memorial weekend we went camping. We took the ATV's and stayed up Farmington Canyon. We went up Thursday night to get the tent set-up and leave the ATV's. That way were were guaranteed to have a good spot, and not have to fight for one. Then after Nick got off work on Friday we headed up. We were taking Melissa's parent's ATV's up also, so that Troy and Marchezt could come with us on Saturday, but they ended up not having time to meet us, so we took them back. Then Melissa's parents met came up for dinner. Brichette and Xander cooked us Hot Dogs and then we made s'mores. After Melissa's parents left we stayed up and watched the camp fire. After Brichette fell asleep in one of the camp chairs we decided it was time to go to bed. The kids were so excited to sleep in the tent... usually we use Nick's parents camping trailer.

On Saturday we rode the ATV's almost all day. Went all the way to the top of Farmington Canyon, where the snow was like 20 feet high; saw tons of waterfalls, and found mud puddles. That night is started raining... and raining... and raining.

Sunday it quit for a little bit, so that we could make breakfast and start a fire, but then is started raining really bad. So around noon we decided to pack up and leave. The kids stayed in the tent, while we packed. Then Nick wanted Melissa to get the kids in the car and her to. He didn't wanted her to get sick. What a great Husband!!! Everything was all muddy and wet, we had to set up everything in the garage to dry out and clean off.

Then Monday we took the ATV's out again with Melissa's parents, her sister's family, and their friends (blog to come).

It was fun, other than the rain.


Marchezt said…
Glad you guys had fun...we really wish we could have meet up. Next time!

Love you 5!

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