Xander's Army Birthday

So Xander decided that he wanted an Army theme birthday. We sent out Camouflage invitations, and played "army" games. When the children arrived they were given dog-tags with their name and ranking on it. It went by age so the younger children were Privates and went up to General (Melissa is very creative). The first game they played was Capture The Flag. They were separated out into two teams (with an even of older and younger/ boy and girl). They hid their flags, then had lots of fun finding them. The next game they played was Battle Ship. Melissa printed off battle ship pictures and made one giant board (with the help from Nicolas and their friend Juston). Once they sank a ship they all received a prize (so their were 5 ships and they all received 5 prizes). The last game they played was Captain Says. It's Simon Says, only you say Captain. :) Than we had Ice Cream and Cake and opened presents. Well we hope everyone who came had a great time. Thank you!


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