Star Wars Day

 This year for May The Fourth Be With You we had a different menu.

We still watched Star Wars for two days (May 5th is Revenge of the Fifth [instead of Sith]).

Here is what we had:

•Nevarro Tacos (from Mandalorian) (instead of Navajo Tacos)

•Obi-Wan Kabobi (Obi-Wan Kanobi) (fruit kabobs)

•7 Leia Bean Dip (Princess Leia) (7 layer bean dip)

•Trooper Scoopers (Storm Troopers) (Tortilla Chips)

•Yoda Soda (Yoda) (Sprite)

•Luke SkyWater (Luke Skywalker) (Water)

•DeathStar by Chocolate (Death Star) (Brownie Sundaes)

It was really fun!

Lydia made the kabobs. She cut up the fruit and put them on herself!


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