Turkey Vultures

 In our neighborhood we have some houses that have huge properties.  In one of them they have turkey vultures.  In the spring we get to watch them circle the sky.  It's so fun to watch.

Here are some facts about these amazing birds:

Turkey Vultures

  • They are the most widespread vultures in North America
  • They are unique among vultures because they find carrion (decaying flesh of animals) by smell as well as by sight.
  • They defend themselves by vomiting strong stomach acids.
  • They can travel up to 200 miles in one day.
  • They are related to storks, not to any birds of prey.
  • They poop on their own legs and feet to keep them cool.
  • Their wingspan is 63-72 inches.
  • They have the largest olfactory (smelling) system of all birds.
  • They are partial migrants. What this means is the ones that live in the Northern part of North America will migrate south.  The ones who live in the Southern part of North America don't migrate.  And actually the ones in the North leap frog over the ones in the south and migrate farther south than the ones in the south.  Funny huh?
  • They migrate in the fall and return in the early spring, sometimes as early as February.
I know photos don't do them justice, but here they are anyway.


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