Brichette is 18!

 I can’t believe Brichette is 18. It’s crazy how fast time goes. 

Since we couldn’t have a big party, we decorated the yard and her car. Then we asked family and friends to drive past. Some honked, others stopped and chatted awhile. It was really fun!

I really wish the weather would have been better (it was cold and rainy), but it makes for good memories, right?

My parents, sister and her family, and Nick’s parents stayed for cake.

Here is what I wrote on Instagram/Facebook for her:

Happy 1️⃣8️⃣th Birthday Brichette!!!

I don’t know where to start... I am so emotional today! 🥰🤣😭😲🤪🥲😍

I wish I could eloquently write down everything I’m thinking in my head! 😖 But, that’s not me! So I’m just going to try my best!

I can’t believe you have been here on earth for 18 years! It feels like just yesterday we were driving to the hospital, so excited (and nervous) to meet you! I was so worried I wouldn’t be the mother you deserve, and I still feel that way. I already had so much love for you, and I hadn’t even seen you yet. You were a little hesitant to come, because every time I pushed, your heart would stop. Eventually, with a little persuasion, you were born. We had our first family of 3 photo. Your dad and I were instantly in love with you! From that day on we’ve had some rough times; not being able to nurse because you got teeth, staying up all night with your belly aches because we couldn’t find a formula that didn’t upset your tummy (Thanks dad for holding your hand on her belly), when you’d get upset you would scream so loud you would skip our DVD player, you hated solid food but loved Oreos, skipping school and failing classes... 


All of the good far out weighs the rough!

Listening to you sing brings me to tears and feels my soul with light. Your kind heart and willingness to help everyone makes me so happy. I am so grateful for all that you do! Like watching your siblings so dad and I can have a rare date night, going to get dinner when Dad is out of town because I’m so tired that I just can’t, comforting me when I’ve had a rough day, making me laugh, telling me that I’m a wonderful mother, treating your siblings with love and respect, and doing things all the time without being asked to.

I know that you have an amazing future. I am so excited to be a part of it and be able to be in the front row of whatever happens! Dad and I will always be your biggest cheerleaders! 📣

I am so honored to be your mother!

I love you Brichette!!!


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