Easter Photos 2020

 Every year we take photos of the kids in their new Easter outfits.  Some years there are lots of flowers out and blooming and other years there is still snow.  This year was a little in between.  Not a lot of flowers were blooming, but there wasn't any snow either.

I know the kids probably hate it, but this year could be our last year with all 5 kids in them.  We most likely will be able to take them with everyone in 2021.

It's so wonderful to see your kids grow up, but it's also hard to.  After this school year, most likely everything will change since Brichette will be graducated.

Anyway... back to the photos...

Here they are:

The kids had to make sure the cats were in on the pictures.  Tigger likes being outside, but Lucy doesn't go outside.  The kids grabbed her and put her in the flowers just for a picture.  Then they took her back inside.


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