Another Baby Chick

 We bought new chicks (pullets). We decided that we needed to be more self sufficient, especially with the price of everything going up. 

We bought two, Black Copper Maran and an Easter Egger (Ameraucana). I got them home, put them in heat and after Nick got home he built a brooder in an hour! Yeah, Nick’s amazing!! You can see their pictures and read more in This Post Here 

They seemed to be doing good, but the next morning the Black Copper Maran had died. The other chicks was so sad, she was “crying” all morning.😩😭 So I went back, because chickens are social animals and can’t be alone, and bought a Blue Plymouth. She is so sweet and they get along so good!

We decided on names for them…

Blue Plymouth - Bluey

Easter Egger - Bingo

Yes, those are the names from the show Bluey! 🤣 I wanted to name the Blue Plymouth Blue, like the raptor in Jurassic Park, and then the kids decided that they should be Bluey and Bingo. So they are! 😁

Here they are… aren’t they so cute?


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