Facts About Butterflies

 Tomorrow is National learn about butterflies day and it's also Tyler's birthday and pi day.  So, I decided that for our photo challenge I would have today be about butterflies.

In 2020 when you know what hit and the kids had to do school from home, Lydia's teacher gave them some caterpillars to raise at home.  So I have some photos of those butterflies and some others from wild butterflies that have landed on the kids.  Oh, Lydia also raised some in her 2nd or 3rd grade class.

Fun facts about butterflies:

  • They range in size from 1/8 inch to 12 inches.
  • People believe that they can only see the colors Red, Green, and Yellow
  • They have four wings and six legs.
  • They eat nectar and fruit.
  • They can fly up to 12 mph.
  • They cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86.
  • Their wings are transparent.
  • They taste with their feet.
  • They smell with their antennae.
  • They are the second largest group of pollinators.
  • They rest with their wings closed.
  • They are found in all continents except Antartica.
  • Many of them migrate to avoid cold weather.
  • There are 17,500 different species of them.
What are some things you know about butterflies?

Here are the photos of the butterflies we've had and encountered.


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