Favorite Pie

Today is pi day. So for day 14 of our photo challenge we chose your favorite pie.

My favorite pie is cherry, pumpkin, or triple berry.  Nick loves chocolate pie.  Our children love those too.

I have only made a couple of pie from scratch before.  One was a pumpkin pie for my work (when I was working) several years ago.  I made it with a sugar substitute, because we were trying to be healthy, and it was not good.  The ladies in the office liked it, but I did not.  The others have been chocolate pie, which I used a pudding mix and oreo crust.

We usually buy the frozen pies in the freezer section of the grocery store, and they are pretty good.

JoElla makes the best pumpkin pie I have ever had!!  Costco has the second best.

Instead of trying to make a cherry pie, I just bought one. We bought pudding and a crust to make the chocolate pie. Here is the Chocolate Pie Recipe

For dinner we had pizza pie. I was to tired today to make pizza so we just bought it from Little Caesar’s.


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