I'm Singing In The Rain... Wait... No I'm Not!!!

Nick and the kids came and took me to lunch. We went to Wendy's... it was so much fun! Once we were done eating and started getting into the car, Xander asked if they were taking me home. I said no, I'm going back to work. And he said "AWWW... But I want you to come home with us." It breaks my heart when they do stuff like that. So after they dropped me off they headed home. They were half way there and it just started pouring rain (see picture 1). Nick said there was about 12 inches on the ground and you could barely see through it. He told me it was headed my way, and I was so excited. I love the summer rain. It smells so good, and looks so pretty. It started to come (picture 2) but it passed right over us, without dropping a drop of rain. I am so bummed!