My First Post

Okay, So this is my first post here. So I guess I'll start my blogging with my kids Ballet class last night...
Brichette and Xander are taking a ballet class. It's only a 7 week class, and then they have a performance. The class is only 1/2 hour long, so that doesn't give them much time to learn their dance before their performance. They do really good at first, but then they loose interest (the ADHD) and start staring at themselves in the mirror, and following the other kids and not the teacher. We try to help, by yelling (not to loud but loud enough they can hear us) their name and telling them that they need to follow their teacher and do what she does, but we disrupt the class when we do that. Then when they go to get a drink, we have them come over to us and we tell them that they need to be watching the teacher and not themselves or the other kids. That works for a minute, but then they are goofing off again. We are trying to think of other ways to help them listen in class, but we are running dry. We do practice at home and they do really good, but then we get to class and they act like they don't know it. I think they get a little intimidated, and forget what we went over. All in all they do, do very well and I am VERY proud of them.