OUCH!!! Why Did It Have To Happen???
Poor little Xander...
It was the night of July 23rd, all the kids were playing with sparklers. The sparklers started curling and breaking off... come to find out they were wood. Why in the world would they make wood ones??? STUPID!!! So Jake (Matt & Mieshka's son) gets a little burned by one... Then our poor little Xander man. He was moving it around, doing circles. A piece dropped off and landed right into his flip flop. He can't get it off, because there is elastic on the back, as I'm running over there, he starts screaming louder. I try to run faster, but it feels like one of those dreams... You run and run and run but don't seem to move, so you try to run faster, and seem to get now where faster... I finally get to him, tell him to through the sparkler down and yank his shoe off. I can see this huge burned hole in his foot. I yell for Colleen, we run in the house and quickly put a COLD napkin on it. Colleen then looks at it again, and says that it's worse then a 3rd degree burn. Cris runs home and gets some numbing cream and burn cream that he had gotten from the burn unit at the hospital... Thank You So Much Cris!!! We kept the napkin on his foot and freshened it with cold water. We watched the fire works then put the cream and a huge bandage on it. I feel so bad for him, I am crying right now. It hurts my heart when my children or husband get hurt. I love them so much... they are my world, my life, my everything!
So here are a couple pictures.
Here is a picture of his shoe!

Here is his poor little foot!!! I'm so sorry little man!

He can't get it wet for about 5 days. I sure hope it heals quickly and doesn't scare. Although for boys, scares are like trophies... Xander: "Yah I got this one while I was playing with fireworks" All the other boys: "Wow, that is so cool. I want one just like that!". Am I right???
We hope that everyone Else's 24th wasn't this exciting!
It was the night of July 23rd, all the kids were playing with sparklers. The sparklers started curling and breaking off... come to find out they were wood. Why in the world would they make wood ones??? STUPID!!! So Jake (Matt & Mieshka's son) gets a little burned by one... Then our poor little Xander man. He was moving it around, doing circles. A piece dropped off and landed right into his flip flop. He can't get it off, because there is elastic on the back, as I'm running over there, he starts screaming louder. I try to run faster, but it feels like one of those dreams... You run and run and run but don't seem to move, so you try to run faster, and seem to get now where faster... I finally get to him, tell him to through the sparkler down and yank his shoe off. I can see this huge burned hole in his foot. I yell for Colleen, we run in the house and quickly put a COLD napkin on it. Colleen then looks at it again, and says that it's worse then a 3rd degree burn. Cris runs home and gets some numbing cream and burn cream that he had gotten from the burn unit at the hospital... Thank You So Much Cris!!! We kept the napkin on his foot and freshened it with cold water. We watched the fire works then put the cream and a huge bandage on it. I feel so bad for him, I am crying right now. It hurts my heart when my children or husband get hurt. I love them so much... they are my world, my life, my everything!
So here are a couple pictures.
Here is a picture of his shoe!

Here is his poor little foot!!! I'm so sorry little man!

He can't get it wet for about 5 days. I sure hope it heals quickly and doesn't scare. Although for boys, scares are like trophies... Xander: "Yah I got this one while I was playing with fireworks" All the other boys: "Wow, that is so cool. I want one just like that!". Am I right???
We hope that everyone Else's 24th wasn't this exciting!