I Feel Better Already!
So today on my lunch I went to Old Navy and Target to get Brichette some more school clothes... we went to The Children's Place last night and got her some really cute clothes, for a pretty good price. You know, I can't believe she is starting Kindergarten soon. It's so amazing how fast they grow up. I remember my mom telling me how fast I was growing, and me looking at her like she was crazy, because it seemed longer than 12 months until my next birthday. But now they just seem to fly by and don't even say HI. They just bring wrinkles, pains, and age. Anyway, back to my shopping story... (See, I told you I get side tracked sometimes). I got some really cute clothes at awesome prices, at both places. But what I am most excited about is the new bag I bought. It's the first "Go Green" bag that we've purchased, and I'm really excited. I have already saved one plastic bag from being wasted, and it feels good. Here is a picture of it:

It's Navy Blue and has Yellow, Red, Pink, White, Green, and Dark Green stripes. They also had a Maroon one, with the same colored stripes, and another color (but I don't remember what it was), but the stripes didn't look as good as they do on this Navy one. They were normally $12.50 but were on clearance for $5.99. I can't wait to use it again and eliminate some more plastic bags from being wasted, and hopefully help save some animals.

It's Navy Blue and has Yellow, Red, Pink, White, Green, and Dark Green stripes. They also had a Maroon one, with the same colored stripes, and another color (but I don't remember what it was), but the stripes didn't look as good as they do on this Navy one. They were normally $12.50 but were on clearance for $5.99. I can't wait to use it again and eliminate some more plastic bags from being wasted, and hopefully help save some animals.
I can't believe she starts Kindergarten either...I swore you just found out you were preggo with her! It does go by so fast! I hate it!
Love ya!