All The Pretty Autumn Colors...

Almost a week ago we drove up Big Cottonwood canyon and took Guardsman Pass over to Park City. All of the autumn colors were beautiful, and it was very peaceful. The kids enjoyed driving and seeing the changes that nature goes through. It was a little chilly, and it even sprinkled a little bit. The kids did fall asleep for a little bit, but not for very long. We got out of the car and looked over the cliff at the 2 old cars that had crashed down there. Nick said that him and his best friend Troy did a lot of 4-wheeling up Guardsman Pass when they were in High School.

The kids asked if we could go there again and have a picnic. I told them that, that was a great idea and we for sure would have to plan on doing that. I love how excited they get about things that Nick and I enjoy doing.

Here are some pictures:

We loved the contrast of the two hills... Dark green on one side and all shades of green, yellow and orange on the other side.

The sun is trying to shine through the thick clouds.

The rain on our windshield.

More beautiful autumn colors.

The storm clouds.

We thought it was cool how the sun was only shinning down on the town, and not in the canyon.

Afterwards we drove across the valley and went to the Great Salt Lake. They were having some sort of concert there, so we couldn't go into Saltaire, but we drove over to the boat marina and walked down to the "beach". They also had a lot of fun there, and asked if we could go back there too. Xander had a little problem with the smell and kept gagging. But once we got to the water it wasn't that bad. I can't believe that we have never taken them there before. What dorks we are.
Here are some pictures (I would have taken more but my camera was full because we hadn't taken the Hawaii ones off yet).

She is making a sand angel.

He buried his feet.

I love this picture... the reflection of the sun off the water and the glow around the kids.

They were having so much fun, it was hard to get them to leave.

The next time we go they are wearing their swim suits. They got so wet, but they had so much fun!


Marchezt said…
I love these pics! This is one time of year that I really get home sick for autumn and seeing the leaves change! I really miss that and wish we had that here!

Love you Four!

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