And Another One Gone...

On Saturday night Brichette lost her other front tooth. She was eating pizza, and then said "Daddy look!" She walked over to him, and I thought there was something wrong, but then she showed him the tooth. She was so excited, and was running around. I can't believe she has already lost 4 teeth. AND... she has 3 others that are loose, plus her adult molars have already come in (we are getting those sealed on her next check up). I just can't believe how fast she is growing up!

*Side note: Please excuse her messy face*

She wanted me to take a picture of her this morning with her money from the tooth fairy. She forgot to put it under her pillow Saturday night, and I forgot to remind her. So we got it under there last night. :)

She's so funny, she got excited that you could see her pink finger nail polish. Silly girl!

Love You Brichette!!!


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