Sillyness... From Me? No, You Get That From Daddy!

Saturday night is when I took the picture of Brichette's 4th missing tooth, and let me tell you the kids were in the silliest mood. They were laughing at everything and wanted me to take lots of pictures of them. I could only get a couple because they were moving so much that most of them came out blurry.
We love it when they are in those moods... It makes us laugh and then we get into a silly mood too. I only got this one with Brichette being silly because it took lots to get her to hold still for the pictures of her teeth and then she was off running again. Xander stayed by me and showed off.

Xander's Pirate Face. "ARRGGG Me Maties" (He says that so cute!!!)

I don't know why, but he wanted me to take his picture doing this. I told you SILLY MOOD!!!

We sure love these kids, and couldn't have asked for more wonderful children!!!


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