Let Us Never Forget!!!

As I was thinking about what to blog about today and I went over some things... it then hit me how selfish I am. Today, 7 years ago hundreds of people lost their lives, and here I am thinking about me and what I should talk about. I feel horrible that I didn't first think to blog about 9-11.

Thank you to all the Men and Woman who were there that day helping to save lives, even though most of them would not make it out alive. They didn't think... Oh I can't do that I might not make it home to my own family... instead they just ran right in and rescued as many as they could. They truly are heroes and have a special place in my heart and a special place in Heavenly Fathers heart.

I received an e-mail that showed some of the 9-11 photos (if you didn't get it let me know and I will forward it to you). I just can't imagine what those people on the plane, in the building, on the ground, or out in the water on boats, must have been feeling, thinking, or wondering. I feel so bad for them and all the pain they had to go through before they were finally rescued or died. I've heard that some of the people that jumped out the windows died of a heart-attack before they ever hit the ground. They must have been so scared, I'm so sorry!

I'm sorry to all the families who lost someone(s) that day... children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, and friends.

Thank you to all the heroes who are over in Iraq fighting for our freedom, and all those who have lost their lives fighting. You to have a special place in my heart and Heavenly Father's. I am so grateful for their sacrifices so that I can raise my children in a wonderful country... where I don't have to be afraid to go outside and let my children play. I know there is a lot to be frustrated with in this country, but so much more to be thankful, happy, grateful, and excited about.

On my way into work today, and most of the day so far, the radio station has been playing tribute songs to all those who are fighting, have fought, died, and survived. So I have been crying for most of the day so far.

I'm sorry to all those children who won't know their father's or mother's because they have fallen. They truly are wonderful people for protecting others that they don't even know, going to another country and not only battling with other people but the weather too. Having to decide whether a child in the street is just a child playing, or a bomb. I'm sorry for all the things they've had to endure and see over there, that they will never forget or get out of their heads.




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