This Day 10 Years Ago...

On this day, 10 years ago, Nicolas and I were married.

I can't believe that 10 years has already passed since we were saying our I Do's. That was the best beginning of the rest of my life and eternity. I had the best childhood that anyone could have had... I had wonderful parents, who gave us a lot of things most children never got. We went on so many fun vacations... Just a few:

Disneyland (every year) - Staying in the Biltmore
RV trips - We were so hot after hiking that we all took our shirts off (Maren and I were little kids)
Oregon - Square dancing
Mexico - Visit my grandparents (my dad's parents)
Easter Vacation (the strike) - Even though the Easter bunny didn't visit us, we got lots of fun stuff from our trip! I'm sorry we got so upset about that!

We were loved so much by our parents and by many wonderful family members, raised in the church (for the most part), and no matter how bad we were, no matter what we had done, we could always come home to a hug. I couldn't have dreamed of a better childhood.

Then on this day 10 years ago I was starting the best Adulthood! I married my soul mate. We were able to over come some hard times, have two beautiful, wonderful, smart, talented, adorable, loving, gifted, caring, sweet, precious, special children, have so many great opportunities, and hopefully soon two more beautiful, wonderful, smart, talented, adorable, loving, gifted, caring, sweet, precious, special children will bless our lives.

* For Marrying me.
* For loving me so much.
* For always knowing how to cheer me up when I am down.
* For knowing when I need a hug and when I just need a minute to myself.
* For being the best dad... showing them you love them, being there for them, teaching them, playing games with them, teasing them, and laughing with them.
* For helping me with all the house work, laundry, dishes, etc.
* For all the wonderful flowers you send me.
* For all the thoughtful gifts.
* For being you.
* For growing and maturing with me.
* For showing me the kind of person I want to be.
* For telling me that everything will be okay when I've had a bad day, or feel down.
* For letting me cry on your shoulder, even if you have no idea why.
* For giving me the best marriage.
* For Always being there for me.
* For telling me I'm pretty, even when I feel I'm not.
* For telling me I'm not fat, when I feel I am.
You truly are the best husband in the whole universe and I can't wait for the next 60+ years on this earth and to spend eternity with you! I couldn't have asked for a better life.




Congratulations!!! It's amazing how quickly 10 years goes by.

I figured out why you can't get updates with the Dashboard. Only blogs with feeds can show updates on the Dashboard, and our blog doesn't send out a feed. You have to manually go check each time. Anyways, I thought I'd let you know that I'd solved the mystery.

Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day!!!

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