This Is Going To Be So Much Fun. Wait... You Have To Be How Tall???

On Saturday we went to Boondocks. It was fun, but a little irritating. In order to ride the Go Karts, Slick Track, and Bumper Boats and play Laser Tag, you have to be 40" to ride/play and 60" to operate them (not the laser tag). I told Nick, that the height thing was really stupid because that means that Mieshka (his sister) wouldn't be able to operate them. So anyway, Xander is under 40" and therefore couldn't go on or do anything but the miniature golf and the video games. Oh... and the Jungle Gym they have (kind of like the ones at McDonald's, only better). He was so upset, and so was Brichette, because we didn't want to take Brichette and not Xander. Which it's not Brichette's fault that they set the height requirement so high, but we were there to be together as a family, and if we had to separate to do things, we weren't going to. But they had fun golfing, playing the games, getting prizes from the tickets Nick won, and playing on the Jungle Gym. I'll post a slide with some of the pictures.


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