
Today is National Organize Your Home Day. So, in honor of that (and because I love to organize) I am going to be straightening our house, organizing things that aren’t, and decluttering! Wish us luck. 🤣

I have some stuff already organized, but I want to do more. 

Here is some stuff already done…




New Sink

Chore Chart

Plastic Storage Containers

Food Storage

Bedroom Shelves

We have under the kitchen sink organized, but I would love to do more with it!

Under Kitchen Sink

Our fridge is somewhat organized, but I wish there was more I could do to it.

We need some baskets for our linen closet for the sheets and pillowcases.  The towels are pretty well organized just being stacked.

I would love to go through the kid's rooms and declutter.

Here are just a few photos of places I'd like to organize:

This is our craft corner. I need to figure out how to put something in the corner, but still be able to get to it.

This spot is in the basement under the stairs. Nick put a shelve in and that is so helpful, but we need more shelves and maybe some baskets. Also, I’m probably going to get rid of the black cabinets.

I definitely need more shoe organizers!

Although, my flip flops are very well organized! It’s a shoe holder, but each pair is in a different pocket, and it’s hanging on the back of our bedroom door.

There are several other places that need to be decluttered and organized, but I don’t want to show you those. These are bad enough. 🤣


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